We are looking forward to another very busy month. We will celebrate National Tree day on October 11th with a trip to the Castle Park.

We will be learning about Ireland in the past and why it was known as the Land of Saints and Scholars.

We will learn about weather. What it is and how we measure and record it.

We are hoping to begin our first novel War Game.

Please click on the buttons below to access websites relating to the topics above.

Multiplication, division and fractions will be covered this month.
11/10/2012 12:28:45 am

very good i went on all of them

Ciara M
11/10/2012 12:49:33 am

super do morrrrrrrrrrrrre!!!

Emily k
12/13/2012 12:34:25 am

I think Ciara your going too wild but that is the best game EVER Ciara you are COOL But your a good friend


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